
Agriculture + Lifestyle

Sweet Dreams

Posted on March 7, 2024 4:46 PM

在20世纪60年代最成功的时候,斯塔基是一个路边休息的帝国. Nearly 370 stores were scattered across more than 30 states, offering motorists clean bathrooms, souvenirs and pecan log rolls all under their famous blue roofs. 

但这个路边的圣地并不是为了方便,甚至也不是为了消费. It all started in agriculture.

With a $35 loan from his grandmother, W.S. “Sylvester” Stuckey Sr. 1937年,他在伊士曼的23号高速公路上创立了Stuckey 's,作为路边的山核桃摊. 他为自己是一名山核桃买家而自豪,并认为斯塔基是一家山核桃店. To source his pecans, Sylvester purchased pecans from different farmers and neighbors, took them to a sheller and then sold them to motorists. He made $4,500 his first year.

有一天,他有了一个想法,如果他卖核桃糖,他可能会赚更多的钱. He ran home to his wife, Ethel, who was playing bridge. 桥牌俱乐部的人去了厨房,开始试验核桃糖果的配方, finally landing on Stuckey’s soon-to-be famous pecan log roll. The bridge club became the candy club, 多年来,正是这些女性制作了该品牌的山核桃糖果.

Things were going so well that by 1948, 西尔维斯特在伊士曼建立了自己的糖果厂和配送中心. By the 1960s, Stuckey 's成为了伟大的美国公路旅行的代名词,公司达到了成功的顶峰.

So, whatever happened to Stuckey’s?

这个问题促使斯蒂芬妮·斯塔基(Stephanie Stuckey)在2019年彻底改变了职业生涯,接管了曾经蓬勃发展的家族企业.


“这是我祖父的公司,我不想让它成为事后的想法. 当我在谷歌上搜索Stuckey ' s时,最热门的搜索结果是,'不管Stuckey ' s发生了什么?’有很多报道问我们公司去了哪里,”斯蒂芬妮说. “It was sad.”

What did happen? 简而言之,1964年,斯塔基与宠物牛奶公司合并,为扩张增加资本. 西尔维斯特仍然负责公司的斯塔基分部. However, Sylvester died in 1977 and the company was sold. 随之而来的是几十年的外部所有权和管理不善.

Stephanie’s father, W.S. “Billy” Stuckey Jr., 1984年收购了公司的部分股权,但时代的变化和2009年的经济大衰退给公司带来了沉重打击. 

Meanwhile, 斯蒂芬妮毕业于佐治亚大学(University of Georgia),获得法律学位,到2015年,她在亚特兰大市工作,担任可持续发展主管. 当她接到电话说她祖父的公司又要出售时,她正在办公桌旁.

“I thought, ‘I have a chance to change this.’ I realized that this doesn’t have to be how our story ends. So, I did. I invested my life savings because no one would give me a loan. The company was six figures in the red,” she said.


Within six months of her acquisition, 公司开始适度盈利,她引入了一位在山核桃行业有几十年经验的重要商业伙伴.

R.G. 拉马尔是第三代山核桃农场主,在霍金斯维尔附近拥有几千英亩的土地. In 2015, he started Front Porch Pecans, a consumer packaging brand, 但发现很难开创一个没人听说过的新品牌. He was ready to go in a new direction. 就在那时,他和斯蒂芬妮意识到他们都可以带来一些伟大的东西.

“我知道我需要做些什么来发展斯塔基的品牌,我必须改变方向. 我家拥有大约100英亩的山核桃果园,我正考虑专注于山核桃生产. I realized that R.G. 他的家族管理我们家族的果园已经有几十年了. 我打电话给他,问他是否愿意有一个商业伙伴,”斯蒂芬妮说. “当我和他成为商业伙伴时,我觉得我中了彩票. He’s very strong in areas where I am not. He’s good at everything.”

Stephanie and R.G. 对斯塔基作为山核桃零食品牌的发展有共同的愿景吗.

“我们立即就公司前进的愿景达成了一致, 我们继续就采购本地产品的重要性达成一致, 农民是我们品牌形象的核心,” said R.G., now CEO of Stuckey’s.


“我们后来决定退出炮弹业务,专注于增值部分,并在技术方面取得了进展, creativity and innovation,” R.G. said. 这种专注改变了Stuckey之前作为一个提供各种各样产品的分销商的地位, to now being the go-to company for adding value to pecans. Anything between the sheller and consumer, 我们希望为人们做到这一点,成为人们心目中的品牌.”



“我们希望成为世界各地山核桃的首选零食品牌,” said Stephanie, now chairwoman of Stuckey’s. “We think it’s doable because we live in the state that, since the 1950s, has made more pecans than anywhere else on the globe. 没有比伟大的乔治亚州更适合拥有山核桃公司的地方了. 这里是山核桃中心,我们公司从大萧条时期就开始生产山核桃零食了. 我们可以比别人做得更好的核桃零食,我们想在零食通道上占据一席之地.” 

While Stuckey’s still has a few roadside stands, 主要是蓝色屋顶的建筑仍然是斯塔基历史的怀旧之处. 斯蒂芬妮说,这个品牌的未来在于把他们的零食卖给加油站等第三方零售商, grocery stores and specialty outlets. R.G. 他说,他相信在五年内,该公司的销售额可能超过5000万美元. That’s not too bad for what’s still a small-town business.

“我们真的很自豪我们位于人口2500人的佐治亚州伦斯. 我们喜欢住在农村社区,我们认为大事发生在小城镇. We’re close to the farmers who are growing our pecans, and we like that connectivity,” Stephanie said. “Pecans are a good tasting, healthy, sustainable nut. 没有什么比从土地上获取食物和了解你的农民更可持续的了, and that’s what we’re doing.”


As R.G. and Stephanie continue to navigate growing the brand, R.G. watches over the day-to-day operations from his home in Augusta, and strategizes on where to take Stuckey’s next. 

From her home in Atlanta, Stephanie spends time connecting with others in the community, 去参加贸易展览,讲述一个曾经著名的品牌的故事,以及它最近的复兴.

斯蒂芬妮说:“我喜欢把斯塔基的复出故事告诉别人。. “我的目标是给那些正在想办法重振企业的人带来希望和灵感, their farms or even their lives. 回归有很多不同的形式,这只是我们的故事.”